Starting in the server:

Choose your Social Class Choose your profession Spend all the points Click on Finnish Click on Finnish to confirm

Surviving your first day:

Find a cave to claim with /f claim Then set home with /sethome So you can return there with /home

How to keep your claims:

Sell items with /f sell Check your personal funds with /money Add money to the kingdom's treasury with /f treasury add QUANTITY Check treasury and taxes you pay with /f info (or just check nation's money with: /f treasury)


Stay deep underground and you will be safe for most types of monsters. If you are hungry cut trees and apples will fall down. Right click on a bed once possible to respawn at there in case you die. If you die inside your kingdom you won't lose your items. Always keep a good amount of money in your treasury kingdom, so you won't lose your claims!

Name of Server: ARMIES BLOCKITY EXTREMOPRO Minecraft Version: 1.12 IP: Type: Survival - PvP - PvE Discord: Resoluciones#2960 E-mail: Website: Video: Broadcast: Twitter: